As Serenity NLP Hypnotherapy and Coaching grow bigger each and every day, the question seems to be asked more and more. What does it feel like to totally change someone’s life?
I guess up until this moment I haven’t really sat down and thought about it. Before this way of life, some would say I only ever took and never gave but that wasn’t true, I always seized opportunities and moments that presented their self to me and never really thought about the consequences of my actions. So, it came as a surprise to me that on a very cold and wet windy Saturday night I finally am in a position to answer that question and also allow you to reflect and answer any unanswered questions you may have.
Let me just start by letting you know this journey we call life has taken many twists and turns for me over the past 41 years, some I got right and some I got wrong, very wrong but they were my choices to make and I have always and will always take full responsibility for them right or wrong. I am not some stuffy clinical psychotherapist or clinical hypnotherapist that sat in university supported by my parents to get a lovely shiny certificate to show everyone just how smart I am. I studied everything I know by trial and error and of course the British Army that I am very proud to have served in. Of course, I have also had to study to gain that coveted shiny certificate that shows the world my credentials but to me, it is just another piece of paper that hangs in a frame on a wall in an office. It, of course, allowed me the opportunity to pursue my passion and career after my time of never growing up ended.
Now I have travelled and been to nearly every continent on this planet and served with some of the bravest most amazing men and woman you could ever wish to meet. I have achieved grandeur in the Army and all at a very early age holding some of the most prestigious positions the Army had to offer. Everything I did I enjoyed, it gave me a kick out of doing it but only two things have ever given me what I get on a daily basis now. The first is being a Father and that fills me with everything I could ever wish for in every single way. I am extremely content with fatherhood and grew into it really quickly enjoying and loving every second of it and still do. That is my true happiness and that’s what makes me wake in the morning and go at the day with every single bit of drive determination and focus I can muster that day. The Second is the answer to the question we are writing about now.
I can honestly tell you that I have never had a more humbling or sobering experience as when a client shifts and changes on the spot during a session. It is something of beauty, something of amazement and something I am eternally grateful for, it is also something I will never get bored of seeing and something I will never tyre of doing. You see when the person we are working with finally realises that the emotion or the issue they were facing isn’t etched in stone the look in their eyes is that of the purest form of enjoyment you will ever see. Everyone comes in thinking the pattern or emotion or issue they are dealing with is set for life and they don’t often see a way our or even how they can change and that moment when reality hits home is one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen. It is what can only be described as purity for the soul. TO change a life and give them hope, desire, focus, drive, confidence back is honestly the gift that deep down inside me will always keep on giving.
For me it is something that can’t be bought, it can’t be gifted, it can’t be compared to anything I have ever done before and that feeling lets me know that I am exactly in the right place in life now. For everyone reading this that has worked with Serenity NLP it makes perfect sense as you read and for the people who haven’t it probably doesn’t. But what is fact and can`t be argued with is that if you are in a position and want change then we are simply one call or message away from a whole new you. Have a look at the clip below because this really is waiting for you.